
Hello! One of the things that I enjoy most in my life is food: healthy and tasty food! As do most of you I suppose… The only problem is that I am a bit lazy, especially when it comes to cooking.

Living away from my mama’s wonderful treats since September 2003, I really had to learn how to cook. You see, I hate fast food and I really do enjoy quality food. Given my budget limit (postgraduate student), and being away from my mama, there was no other option for me.

So it all started in October 2003… Before that, I could only make fried eggs, omelette, pasta and rice. Now, as most people tell me, my foods are delicious (hopefully they are not lying)! In this blog I will post all the recipes I have learnt so far. What’s most important? They are simple to make and they are healthy! That comes from the merits of the Mediterranean cuisine of course…

I will try to post pictures as soon as I create a recipe; you deserve to know how your food will look like!

4 Responses to “About”

  1. ntalamai Says:

    Please give me your comments! My English can be definitely improved (do correct me!), and I would like your suggestions on how to present my recipes? Do bullet points help? Not? Why not? Do you understand my writing?

    This site is mainly for you, so whatever you think will make it better please say it!

  2. Kostas Says:

    Hey man!

    Nice blog!!! The photos are really nice!
    I think you should invite me for dinner soon! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Some suggestions:
    – Have you considered adding the cost of the materials to your recipes?
    – Maybe the calories of each recipe as well if not too difficult.
    – Finally, it would be a good idea to add some desserts recipes.
    Your English could definitely be improved, but I’ve given up trying after 3 years!!! ๐Ÿ˜›

    Anyway, keep up the good work!
    See you soon!


    P.S. You should add some Fasolada (Beans soup) and Fakes (Lentils soup) recipes ASAP!!!

  3. Ann Says:

    hey there!

    Great blog! I just found it and I’m very excited. Hopefully you haven’t given up on it yet. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Your English is good, no worries there… but since I am a lazy American (and there are lots of lazy Americans hehe) I was wondering if you might put up American conversions, we don’t use grams here, cups and spoons and all that. That would make things even simpler! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take Care!

    PS I’m vegan, so keep the meatless dishes coming! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. suz54 Says:

    this is one is really for the extremely lazy cook.


    1/2 kilo mussels, bought alive and cleaned
    knorr or maggi ginisa mix powder
    1 jackstone ball sized ginger pounded (don’t bother to peel)
    a handful of chili leaves (dahong sili)
    i cup water
    salt and pepper to taste

    heat a wok, dump all ingredients except ginisa powder and chili leaves. after 3-5 minutes, add the remaining ingredients, another 2 minutes boiling and…voila!

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